Friday, May 11, 2012

My semi-feral boys

Durango's new favourite place to hang out is on the small filing cabinet next to my desk. He is entranced with my computer screens, and watches what is happening there intently. He's still quite shy about being touched, but did jump onto my keyboard earlier and allowed me to hold him and pet him for a few moments before indicating he wanted to be put down.

His progress has been much slower than I had hoped. But he is progressing, so I am pleased.

Jasper has finally reached the stage where he will allow me to hold him still during our grooming sessions. Which certainly makes grooming a little easier to accomplish. ;) We're still getting him used to having his sides touched, which means we haven't really been able to get rid of any of the mats on his sides yet, but he is allowing me to touch him there with more pressure than before. So there's that at least. I don't have any new pictures of him available, since he prefers to show me his bum rather than his cute little face, but we've managed to get rid of a great deal of dead hair from his ruff and upper body, and the difference in size between his front and back halves is quite noticeable now. He's still a big boy, but not nearly as chunky as he initially seemed when he first entered my home. ;)

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